Raffaele Mazzei
Copywriter, Strategic Planner
With more than twenty years of experience under his belt as Copywriter and Strategic Planner he’s worked for italian and international brands such as ABF Barnabei, Ala Assicurazioni (Gruppo Sara), Aldo Brué, Angelini, Autodromo di Modena, Banca Popolare di Ancona, Birra Castello, Cantori, Coal, Confartigianato Marche, Fellowes Leonardi, FBT, Fimag, Gatto Cucine, Gel, Gitronica (Gruppo Guzzini), iGuzzini, Laboratorio Pesaro, Nonno Nanni, Pastificio Luciana Mosconi, Melania, Moretti Forni, Rede Guzzini, San Benedetto Acqua Minerale, Colorificio San Marco, Sixtus, and Ubi Banca Popolare di Bergamo. Raffaele Mazzei takes a logical and systematic approach, focusing on brand identity and identifying what gives a brand its unique competitive advantage. He has a thirst for knowledge. He reads products and people in an instant and is able to see their soul. He is equally at home with TV ads, videos, social networking, brochures and ad campaigns. He can condense the world into a single slogan. He won’t stop until he finds the absolutely perfect words. At night he falls asleep snuggled up to metonyms and synechdoches.